Microsoft and Pharaoh team up to bring you a version of Windows like never before- exclusively for the PlayStation 3. It's simplistic. It's multifunctional. It's elegant, definitive, and unsurpassable in every way. So long proprietary OS, hello Windows 7.
My first official PS3 theme of 2009 and I told you I wouldn't disappoint! The inspiration and creation of this theme actually all took place in the last couple of days. I'm using Windows 7 beta now and I must say I love it. It's what Vista should have been and will be Microsoft's biggest achievement since XP.
This theme will transform your dull PS3, with the help of Windows 7, into a whole new machine. With technology not used since PS3.4 ELEMENTu, you'll discover all new sounds, four randomly changing backgrounds, as well as sleek, transparent, and glossy new icons. Did I mention many of the icons are from the official Windows 7 OS?
Theme No Oficial de Sony.
Ya esta preparado para que lo pongais en una tarjeta de memoria si teneis la PS3 antiguas que aceptan tarjetas de memoria o un Pendrive si teneis los otros modelos o el nuevo modelo Slim que solo acepta desde USB.
Dentro del RAR tendreis una carpeta llamada PS3 esa misma carpeta la copias a la raiz de vuestra tarjeta de memoria o Pendrive.
1. Conectar el pendrive (o disco duro ext) en la PS3
2. Ir a ajustes -> Ajustes de tema ->Tema, y seleccionar Instalar
3. Seleccionar el tema dentro del pendrive que queremos instalar
4. Ir a Ajustes -> Ajustes de tema -> Seleccionar el tema e instalar
5. Seleccionar el tema y aplicar
Recomendaciones:Tener actualizada la PS3 al firware por lo memos el v3.15.